You, my brothers, were called to be free. But do not use your freedom to indulge the sinful nature, rather, serve one another in love. The entire law is summed up in a single command: “Love your neighbor as yourself.” If you keep on biting and devouring each other, watch out or you will be destroyed by each other. (Galatians 5:13-15 NIV)
Motivating Monday! Three workouts last week! Then unfortunate timing of meals have led to poor choices. Amazing how great we feel after working out- a real sense of accomplishment and good for our body, mind, and soul. The sinful nature is always prodding personal attacks, feeding the flesh. Most of the time, sinful nature validates emotional pulls. Therefore, the enemy uses sinful nature and emotions on his team to fight against freedom we have in Christ.
So…what’s the prepared plan to change losing battles into consistent wins? There are times I’ve conquered with wins. To this day, I have not had a Mt. Dew since summer of 2005. Little did I realize the need to be pro-active; never considered impact from high levels of caffeine and how my flesh would go straight to a new weapon- sugar. If caffeine can be kicked- so can sugar. Yet, I’ve never decided to be completely done with sugar. During times of fasting and praying, I’m successful. Then later decide…surely I can have one chocolate pastry a day. What happens is…while feeding myself a little sugar, the devil works through my sinful nature, bullying my thoughts for additional sugar. Oh! If the mind wins, he’ll go to the heart, especially when rewarding ourselves.
Sinful Nature Vs. Freedom
See…it’s all a mind over matter situation. With God’s help, we can overcome anything. As the devil teams sinful nature and emotions, God uses mind and heart- even though both can be deceptive, trained during spiritual maturing- mind and heart are a powerful duo to overcome emotions and sinful nature. For the mind, we take captive any contrary thought to God’s Word. If we never act on sinful thoughts, we’ll prevent sinful actions. While this battle goes on in the mind, we have to be watchful over our hearts. Instead of being most deceptive, hearts can become the wellspring of life- growing in Word knowledge and keeping motivations pure.
God’s Love
I stand in awe of God’s loves and encouragement. Food is only one situation, individuals have their own battle. With first part of today’s verse discussed today, we’ll carry second part for Wednesday. Dear Jesus, I pray for each person reading- we become very aware of how emotions and sinful natures team against the heart and mind. Help each one be prepared, applying God’s Word, and as we mature, creating the heart and mind of Christ. In Jesus’ name. Amen.
Be encouraged!
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