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Faith: A Shield, Extinguishes All Flaming Arrows

Faith: A Shield, Extinguishes All Flaming ArrowsIn addition to all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of the evil one. (Ephesians 6:16 NIV)

Motivating Monday! 

Lord, you know we need motivation today. Our country is under attack, more people believe in false propaganda. An unwillingness to move beyond self ideologies of their own belief system. Those who belong to this group are becoming more nasty, only way I can explain as I have experienced. The devil wants division, knowing when a house is divided, this cannot stand. A Biblical principle applied to any divisive plan. How many times have we in good terms encouraged a group- let’s divide and conquer. Interesting…Evil takes same wording to break up every bit of good happening.


We need the full armor of God- found in Ephesians 6. As we focus on the shield of faith, no other way to deal with present societal confusion. The left throws flaming darts at anyone trying to speak truth. What has been shifting in our country, now has a tremendous crevice. The only solution is Jesus. Therefore, we need to figure out how to reach the unreachable? Yes, seems like an age old question. I asked someone what church they attended- since they were confident I am deceived, and they replied, “Church of the devil.” This explains why individuals reject Truth, there is much opposition in them. Why? I imagine lots of reasons, mostly they’ve been hurt.


Faith in Jesus Christ is a beautiful journey. Sadly, church, christians, and/or a mixture, have failed. In our own early days of immaturity, self righteousness, pride, arrogance- take your pick…we give Jesus a bad name to a lost world. Though, this is when grace is needed most, to help all immature to become mature. It’s tricky for both parties, especially today- when many of the immature are found in midst of the opposition, justifying sinful actions. Identifying sin, accepting conviction, repentance- transformation, conforming to Jesus’ likeness…all as faith takes root and increases. We need strong Ministers of God’s Word and Biblical teachers more than ever, taking entirety of God’s Word, disciplining individuals as if Jesus, Himself, was indeed here. We are called to be Jesus’ hands and feet, with The Holy Spirit, we can succeed.


The world becomes darker, God’s light will shine brighter…increasing our faith. As we extinguish every flaming arrow, other parts of our armor becomes effective- able to stand when the day of evil comes. Dear friends, the day has arrived. Let’s be motivated to study God’s Word, to grow daily in knowledge, wisdom, and understanding. We must stand strong, and when we have done all we can, continue to stand.

Be encouraged!

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